Thursday 7 March 2013


Marketing is much known in recent days. According to Chartered institute of marketing (2013) ‘Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably’ which is in other words, without marketing there will be no connections between customer, market and seller. Therefore, trying to be important in the business life, marketing major is chosen to study.

Studying in the UK is a step for me to get started with actual study because in Qatar they lack the support to marketers. Marketers in Qatar are not very known and not showing the value of this courses to be well-educated in universities. UK universities use reccomendation to furthur develop the marketing mix module or other similar molels and these models helps internationally the marketing strategies ( Rakesh Kumar 2009). Consequently, the study in a country that real appreciate all business fields is more supportive than other.



CIM 2012,’What is marketing?’ Available at: 7 March 2013).

Kumar, R. (2009)’Marketing Universities’ Available at: ( Accessed: 7 March 2013). (2012) ' Affiliate marketing' Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2013).

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