Thursday 14 March 2013

Effects on quality of life at Glamorgan Uni.

Knowing the life is getting more wider with the expeirences. Glamorgan University is a good educational step in my life which improved my bases in dealing with public, relations and the future thoughts. Building future, started from Glamorgan University it expected to prepare me well to a bright future.

Modules taught in the IFP programme are basic and simple and supportive to the students who aim to finish with a powerful foundation program. It is considered as a positive effect on my quality of educational life. However, the chosen subject which are helping at Marketing major firstly, Introduction to Business have given me a brief informations about the general business working and its history. Which the merketing courses needs to know this kind of things to enter the world of business. Secondly law, it is known that if you do not know the law, you will never get better in business , it is all based on law to creat a confident, educated business man personality. Therefore, Glamorgan University's effort is appreciated for preparing and giving a positive quality of life.

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