Thursday 28 February 2013

Sports in UK

Its known what happened in London 2012 , the olympic games. The olympic games in london made many effects to the country and introduced many sport all together. (2012)
In Irland there are many sports played , such as Football, Rugby , and Hocky ( 2013). the irish people concerns about variey of games possibly due to their ideas of enjoying with flexability and health. Moreover, it a possitive point for their body. although they have all these sports , there is a traditional game curling/hurling where the players hit a ball with a stick to score a goal based on some rules from many international sports.
Popular sports in England are football and rugby , where the football showed many professtional player for example , David Beckham was a well known professtional player and other football clubs, I think that English people tend to play football because it was played very much in their history. Whereas, rugby not much popular as the football in England and internationally.
In scotland it not very different than England , as they scottish also tending to play football and more intrested in this sport. On the other hand, ther are games intrested in Rugby, and Golf ( 2012).
Consequently, rugby and football are the two most popular sports in UK and depends on the background of the nation and what they love and like to play.
Refrences: ‘ Ireland Sporting Events’. Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013) (2012) ‘welcome to sports’ Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013) (2012). Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013)

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