Thursday 28 February 2013

Sports in UK

Its known what happened in London 2012 , the olympic games. The olympic games in london made many effects to the country and introduced many sport all together. (2012)
In Irland there are many sports played , such as Football, Rugby , and Hocky ( 2013). the irish people concerns about variey of games possibly due to their ideas of enjoying with flexability and health. Moreover, it a possitive point for their body. although they have all these sports , there is a traditional game curling/hurling where the players hit a ball with a stick to score a goal based on some rules from many international sports.
Popular sports in England are football and rugby , where the football showed many professtional player for example , David Beckham was a well known professtional player and other football clubs, I think that English people tend to play football because it was played very much in their history. Whereas, rugby not much popular as the football in England and internationally.
In scotland it not very different than England , as they scottish also tending to play football and more intrested in this sport. On the other hand, ther are games intrested in Rugby, and Golf ( 2012).
Consequently, rugby and football are the two most popular sports in UK and depends on the background of the nation and what they love and like to play.
Refrences: ‘ Ireland Sporting Events’. Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013) (2012) ‘welcome to sports’ Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013) (2012). Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013)

Thursday 21 February 2013

Parts of Asia and the UK

London can be consideres as the most divers linguistic capital in the world. It is noticed that asians are more participated in the UK. 'Britain's Pakistani community is one of the oldest and largest Pakistani communities outside of Pakistan, with over 100,000 people  in London' (BBC 2008 ). Historically the UK have a good relationship with asia, specially with Pakistan, india, Bangladesh.

Recently, these communities which they speak moslty Udro they have the highest number of the spoken language. Moreover, these communities have changed very much in the UK in a wide range for example , shops, retailers and some are citizens. Beside that, Pakistani and Indian sustenance that is extremely normal these days all through the UK.

BBC (2008) 'Pakistani London'. Available at: (Accessed: 21 February 2013).

Thursday 7 February 2013

Crime and punishment

Crime & Punishment
1) Should the death penalty exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism?
the equity was greatly strong these days. There was either life sentence in prison or execution. This punishments should be for murderers kilss and get killed , human rights organisations are wanting to change this . 'Execution permanently removes the worst criminals from society and is safer for prison guards, fellow inmates and the rest of us than long term or permanent incarceration' (2013)

2) Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?
Well , it is supposed that the main purpose for the prison is rehabilitation the person to not repeat it in the community. Otherwise , the same person will repeat it and the person should be stopped immegiatly at its time. Prisons have to have a kind of teachers deal with the criminals and rehabilate them .

3) What is the best way to deal with juvenile crime such as joy-riding, Vandalism and graffiti?

For the joy-riding , there are many way to deal with is putting larg amount of fines , suspending the car from to be drived in streets. if caught more than 2 times, it goes to the government legally and the owner do not have the right to take it back.

4) Is it ever right for political activists to break the law?

As the political activists are there to change the administration arrangements, they dont have the right that they violate the law. At the same time at times they break laws they suppose they are not honest and they need to be changed .

5) How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive?

These people who drink and drive are mostly who make accedints, in many countries they are only fined , the have to be taken and be sitted in some place to solve their issue of drinking , and make them thinking of the consequences that may happen if they drink and drive.

6) Which is the more serious problem in your county tax evasion or social security fraud?

In Qatar, we do not have evasion tax because we do not pay any tax. The social security fraud appears to be common in many other countries. Usually who commits this kind of crime face low income problem. So social security fraud have to be the one more serious and take it in a justice way  in the community.

7) Should the police have the right to stop and search you in the street without a warrant?

the police must have a warrant , because if they have this right to stop and search some bad side of the police officers can just search for nothing and not suspecting , and the people do have many privacies even the police officer do not have to search in .
8) Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?

For general public health, Cannabis is harmful for humans , and more dangerous than smoking tobacco. It should be forbidden as much as possible.

Bibliography: (2013) The pros and cons of the death penalty in the USA. Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2013).