Thursday 14 March 2013

Effects on quality of life at Glamorgan Uni.

Knowing the life is getting more wider with the expeirences. Glamorgan University is a good educational step in my life which improved my bases in dealing with public, relations and the future thoughts. Building future, started from Glamorgan University it expected to prepare me well to a bright future.

Modules taught in the IFP programme are basic and simple and supportive to the students who aim to finish with a powerful foundation program. It is considered as a positive effect on my quality of educational life. However, the chosen subject which are helping at Marketing major firstly, Introduction to Business have given me a brief informations about the general business working and its history. Which the merketing courses needs to know this kind of things to enter the world of business. Secondly law, it is known that if you do not know the law, you will never get better in business , it is all based on law to creat a confident, educated business man personality. Therefore, Glamorgan University's effort is appreciated for preparing and giving a positive quality of life.

Academic culture

Academic culture can be the environment of the students and the way that student study. This kind of culture differs from country to country due to education system practiced.

When started to study in the university, I firstly studied in my home country Qatar it's noticed that the way teaching  differs where students choose their subjects leading them to finish an amount of expected hours in the major. It is totally different in the UK , the university gives a schedule with the subject from your major and let you finish them throughout the year. However, getting shocked is defined according to UKCISA (2012) " the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one which is unfamiliar" it did not affected any shocks comparing because in Qatar it used the same way for teaching in school, and it is positive way for some students. The unusual that it is positive in the academic culture in UK , that they are always known of the restriction with the deadlines , where it is an important rule in English universities either you hav a good excuse with evidence, you will be excused (university of east anglia 2012) . So it is different in the usage of education system and some considerable aspects.


UKCISA (2012) International students and culture shock. Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2013).

University of East Anglia (2012) Academic Culture Shock.  Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2013).


Thursday 7 March 2013

The presentation

it is obviouse that after presentation you get a feedback. Personal feed back from yourself and from audeince. Therefore to present you have to prepare for it well, where some tips are useful such as eye contact to attract attention (Amelia 2012)

Personal feed back:


  • Good informations
  • Time managed
  • Non-stoping talk

  • Focusing on one side
  • not very comfortable with the situation
  • Distracted by Audience.

Gaby's Feed:

  • Gestures, eye contact
  • Using words such as: moving on , then, the last point ...
  • Using examples
  • Spelling mistakes
  • Lack of references
  • stressed

Consequently, having feedbacks is important because this is the way of getting better in the future. As Reich in academic presentation(2008) stated 'Presenting your work is an important part of your research caree'. So, becoming a professional presenter will always lead to to a bright career.


Riech, B. (2008) 'Academic Presentation' Available at: (Accessed on: 7 March 2013).

Amelia, J. (2012) '22 Marketing presentation steps' Available at: (Accessed on: 7 March 2013).


Marketing is much known in recent days. According to Chartered institute of marketing (2013) ‘Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably’ which is in other words, without marketing there will be no connections between customer, market and seller. Therefore, trying to be important in the business life, marketing major is chosen to study.

Studying in the UK is a step for me to get started with actual study because in Qatar they lack the support to marketers. Marketers in Qatar are not very known and not showing the value of this courses to be well-educated in universities. UK universities use reccomendation to furthur develop the marketing mix module or other similar molels and these models helps internationally the marketing strategies ( Rakesh Kumar 2009). Consequently, the study in a country that real appreciate all business fields is more supportive than other.



CIM 2012,’What is marketing?’ Available at: 7 March 2013).

Kumar, R. (2009)’Marketing Universities’ Available at: ( Accessed: 7 March 2013). (2012) ' Affiliate marketing' Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2013).

Sunday 3 March 2013

Traditions in the UK

Cultures are mostly tend to have something special that show that it is unique, many people when thinking of the United Kingdom they think of numerouse that express Britain. One of the most important thing known about UK is the British tea. In this blog I will talk about this intresting habit that can be considered a tradtion in the UK.

For the hard workers , drinking tea in the afternoon time, is the one called high tea. Acording to (2012) ' Tea consumption increased dramatically during the early nineteenth century and it is around this time that Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford is said to have complained of "having that sinking feeling" during the late afternoon'  cosequently, it is as important as the main meal of the day,  this high tea was mostly in the ladies environments and  the dinner enjoyed in houses at seven or eight in the evening. It also can be taken with the meats, bread and cakes. Therefore,  ' The serving of afternoon tea usually takes place in hotels, cafes and tea shops from about 3pm until 5pm, starting with savoury fingers, followed by scones and jam and a selection of cakes.' (Katie Fitzpatrick 2012) , so it it not only maintained at homes. Moreover, it kind of culture and historical habit in the UK 

Bibliography,(2012) ' history of Afternoon tea' Available at: (Accessed: 3March 2013).
Fitzpatrick, K. (2012)Celebrating the tradition of afternoon tea' Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2013).

Thursday 28 February 2013

Sports in UK

Its known what happened in London 2012 , the olympic games. The olympic games in london made many effects to the country and introduced many sport all together. (2012)
In Irland there are many sports played , such as Football, Rugby , and Hocky ( 2013). the irish people concerns about variey of games possibly due to their ideas of enjoying with flexability and health. Moreover, it a possitive point for their body. although they have all these sports , there is a traditional game curling/hurling where the players hit a ball with a stick to score a goal based on some rules from many international sports.
Popular sports in England are football and rugby , where the football showed many professtional player for example , David Beckham was a well known professtional player and other football clubs, I think that English people tend to play football because it was played very much in their history. Whereas, rugby not much popular as the football in England and internationally.
In scotland it not very different than England , as they scottish also tending to play football and more intrested in this sport. On the other hand, ther are games intrested in Rugby, and Golf ( 2012).
Consequently, rugby and football are the two most popular sports in UK and depends on the background of the nation and what they love and like to play.
Refrences: ‘ Ireland Sporting Events’. Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013) (2012) ‘welcome to sports’ Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013) (2012). Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2013)

Thursday 21 February 2013

Parts of Asia and the UK

London can be consideres as the most divers linguistic capital in the world. It is noticed that asians are more participated in the UK. 'Britain's Pakistani community is one of the oldest and largest Pakistani communities outside of Pakistan, with over 100,000 people  in London' (BBC 2008 ). Historically the UK have a good relationship with asia, specially with Pakistan, india, Bangladesh.

Recently, these communities which they speak moslty Udro they have the highest number of the spoken language. Moreover, these communities have changed very much in the UK in a wide range for example , shops, retailers and some are citizens. Beside that, Pakistani and Indian sustenance that is extremely normal these days all through the UK.

BBC (2008) 'Pakistani London'. Available at: (Accessed: 21 February 2013).