Thursday 29 November 2012

The Welsh Assembly

1. Who designed the building
It was designed by Richard Rogers Prtnership
2. When was it opened and by whom?
The Assembly was opendin the same day of St David day and opend by the Queen of the UK - 1st of March .
3. What materials were used?
They were using a wood imported from canada to build  the upper part of the building .Most of the building on sides is all made out of glasses so in day light you can see the acess of the light into the building  . Finally, they  also used a unique flooring stones came from ( South Wales) .

4. What is particulary special about the building?
The special thing about the building is the heater that came from the Earth , it is a natural heat came from the bottom of the building from a huge hol with deping 100 meters to the deep of the earth.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

The two houses of parlimant

The houses of parilament is divided into two parts , The House of Commons and the House of lords . They are almost the same job , and their job is to make laws , solve proplems , and keep in touch with the government achievements .

The Commons is elected by the public .
The Commons is responsible for making decisions on the financial Bills,for example the taxes , they are the one who makes the decision to let people taxes.
Members of the Commons (MPs): they debate to solve the political issues, and they propose laws daily .
The House of Lords  is the other of the UK Parliament.
it does the other work of the House of Commons , it is also make law ,also " holds government to account and investigates policy issues. Its membership is mostly appointed and includes experts in many fields."

Thursday 1 November 2012

The European Union & The Eurozone crisis

The Idea of United Europe come to be strong economic , and it was made 1939-45 .  By 1950 the Britian did not want to join the EEC because of the special relationship with the USA . Initialy france did not also want Britian to join the EEC because there was a critical relationship with USA ." A referendum (also known as a plebiscite or a vote on a ballot question) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal", Wikipedia.

-What percentage of world trade belongs to the EU ?

Goods sold by the EU Member States with third countries (known as the extra-EU trade)
as shown in the figure that the EU have the highest trade percentage in exports . 

The running of the EU involved 5 institutions ; The Europran counsil , The Council of Minister , The European Commission , The European parliment and European Court of Justice . And Every insitution have its own part with the EU .In 2009 Bulgaria and Romaia joined EU .

MEPs means the Member of European Parliaments , it consists of 736 MEPs from all the European Union countries, 78 of them are from the United Kingdom.

Austerity Measures : Is an official action taken by a government in order to reduce the amount of many that it spends or the amount the people spend .